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上传人:鹿鹿老师 2021/11/4 文件大小:31 KB




文档介绍:Three-Day Quality Tour From Zhengzhou To Luoyang
Slogans: Visiting mountain,Playing water,Appreciating flowers,Feeling culture,Let’s go!

Day One
Gathering time: the traveling day at seven in the morning
Assembly point:Zhengzhou two seven square (Note: remember the information about the meeting place and gathering time and the bus license which the guide told you a day before your travel day between18 and 20. Please keep the guests in touch. Please choose riding according to their own short distance, and arrive on time. )
Morning: Longmen Grottoes. We will arrive in Longmen by G2007 at about eight forty .Then we will get all things ready and have a three-hour travel.. Longmen Grottoes is one of three big stone art treasures in china. after .It has been excavated for more than 400 years from the Northern Wei to the Northern Song Dynasty. Nowdays there are more than 2300 caves and niches , and also 100000 statues, more than 3600 pieces of inscriptions, most of which locate in the West Bank. The number of Chinese stone cave located in the first.
Afternoon: Luoyang Peony Garden. We will stay here for about 150 ’s go to experience the meaning of” Peony Flower in Luoyang, Finest under heaven”
Night:we will have dinner in the four star hotel and stay there for one night.
Day Tow
Morning: We will meet at 6:30after everything is w


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