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In my point of view作文.docx

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In my point of view作文.docx

上传人:012luyin 2016/7/12 文件大小:0 KB


In my point of view作文.docx


文档介绍:In my point of view, i fundamentally agree with the statement that our university plans to open a cafe inside the campus library. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. The main reason why agree with the above the statement. Is that it is benificial to deepen our example ,you caninvest your friends to cafe, as well as, with drinking coffee ,you can improve relationship as result of , it is ssary to open a cafe in campus library. An other reason why i agree with the above statement is that i believe that it can bring happiness to good case in point is that an army of people would like to play cards or play chess in the cafe due to the graceful decoration and relax themselves and enjoy everything this reason, it isa good idea which to open the cafe in campus library. Beyond these obvious reasons,there lies a more a more in-depth cause that it can municate to each ,the cafe is