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2010全国生物材料大会论文集之 (911).pdf

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2010全国生物材料大会论文集之 (911).pdf

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2010全国生物材料大会论文集之 (911).pdf


文档介绍:Acute toxicity of atrazine to green algae,
heterotrophic flagellate and ciliates

Fengchao Li, Xianjiang Kang, Weirong Cao, Fuqiang Wang
College of Life Sciences
Hebei University
Baoding, China
E-mail: lifengchao2000@

Abstract—The acute toxicity of herbicide atrazine to a provide basic information for the toxicity evaluation of
species of green algae Scenedesmus obliquus, a species colorless atrazine.
heterotrophic flagellate Bodo saltans and two species of ciliates
Tetrahymena priformis and Oxytricha saprobia was examined in II. METHODS AND MATERIALS
laboratory tests. The results showed that the acute toxicity of
atrazine to S. obliquus, B. saltans, T. priformis and C. A. Atrazine and test solutions
pyrenoidosa was high. The median effective concentration
Atrazine used in this study was reagent-grade technical
(EC50) of atrazine to S. obliquus for 24, 48 and 72h were ,
and µg/L. The EC50 of atrazine to B. saltans for 24, 48 material (97% purity), produced by Linyi Shuanglin Chemical
and 72h were , and µg/L. The EC50 of atrazine to T. pany, Shandong Province. Stock and working
priformis for 24, 48 and 72h were , and µg/L. The solutions of atrazine were prepared in analytical-grade acetone
EC50 of atrazine to O. saprobia for 24, 48 and 72h were , (99% purity) as a carrier solvent. The