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文档介绍:London London ? London, the capital city of Britain is often referred to as the setting for poems by lots of English poets in their potential works. But it is perceived from different views of perspectives. ? We see different London in William Blake ’s London , William Wordsworth ’s Composed upon Westminster Bridge , William Wordsworth ’s London , F. S. Flint ’s London London --William Blake ? I wandered through each chartered street, ? Near where the chartered Thames does flow, ? A mark in every face I meet, ? Marks of weakness, marks of woe . ?我走过每条独占的街道, ?徘徊在独占的泰晤士河边, ?我看见每个过往的行人, ?有一张衰弱、痛苦的脸。? thro ’s : through; ? charter ’d street: a street on which certain persons are given the special rights. ? mark: here the first one is a verb, which means notice; the second one is a noun, which means a sign. ? woe: great sorrow; ?? In every cry of every man, ? In every infant's cry of fear, ? In every voice, in every ban, ? The mind-forged manacles I hear: ?每个人的每升呼喊, ?每个婴孩害怕的号叫, ?每句话,每条禁令, ?都响着心灵铸成的镣铐。? infant: new born baby; ? ban: a prohibition, here a marriage ban-notice of intended matrimony; ? forg ’d : forged, shape something by heating it in a fire and hammering; ? manacle: one of a pair of chains or metal bands fro binding the hands or feet; ?? How the chimney- sweeper's cry ? Every blackening church appalls, ? And the hapless soldier's sigh ? Runs in blood down palace-walls. ?多少扫烟囱孩子的喊叫, ?震惊了一座座熏黑的教堂, ?不幸兵士的长叹, ?化成鲜血流下了宫墙。? chimney-sweeper: a person whose job is to sweep the chimney; ? cry: (old use) announce (goods etc.) for sale by calling out; ? Hapless: ? black ’ ning : blackening; ? appall: deep shock; ? hapless: unhappy, unfortunate; ? But most, through midnight streets I hear ? How the youthful harlot's curse ? Blasts the new- born infant's tear, ?