摘 要
一、 对现有此类产品外观进行改进,造型独特、设计感强;
二、 充分考虑产品的使用目的,设计出人性化,安全舒适,操作简便的产品;
三、 对上下楼梯机的功能进行重新定义,使其功能多元化:上下楼梯、爬越障碍以及物品储存等多功能集合于一身的设计更符合消费者的心理,市场前景无限;
四、 充分组合现国内现有比较成熟的生产技术、材料的运用,使产品的成本降低,以求降低残疾人与老年人这些弱势群体生活负担;
五、 充分考虑人机关系,设计出具有可调节功能的产品,造型创新、大胆。
Walking up and down stairs is very common in our daily life, in those residents living apartment building which do not set the elevator of the seven layers below, especially those elderly and disabled persons, climbing building up and down in life will have a lot of inconveniences、 Currently, both rural and urban areas are all in the rapid development、 And among this development tendency the ladder become one of the basic facilities、 The ladder help us to fluctuation car ,take the train and underground; climb the passenger foot-bridge and pass through the souterrain; The large shopping centers is inevitable to use the ladder to help climbing stairs、
The exception in our view, a simple ladder legs and feet of those who want to inconvenience people with disabilities is very difficult through the laborious、
Based on the above considerations, we can design a vision can be achieved down the stairs of the electric wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs on the road we passed on the basis of modified design to address the people down stairs in life had challenges、 The design of the electric wheelchair to facilitate people's lives,Thus, the design of electric wheelchairs climbing stairs, either from theoretical or practical application of researc