2012-09-11 来源:山东收藏网 [我要评论]
首先,要弄清楚两者的定义。在矿物学中,严格的玉的定义只包括了极少几个玉石品种,如翡翠、和田玉等,其中并没有玉髓。但是“玉石”的概念范围就大了很多,玉髓就是玉石之一。 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze ... quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the project's acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions . the
为 Ca2(Mg, Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2);而玉髓的化主要成分是二氧化硅(SiO2),是隐晶质石英的集合体。这样看来,它们并不是同一类物质。
绿玉髓表面光亮,质地细腻。颜色通常为苹果绿色,能看见不同程度的深浅变化,呈半透明状。绿玉髓比较脆,加热或暴露于阳光下会使之退色。绿色翡翠具有变斑晶交织结构,可见斑状或纤维状硬玉晶体,外表呈现玻璃光泽,大多半透明或透明,翠色浓艳纯正。在重量上, ~ 。
containing gross errors, s