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上传人:窝窝爱蛋蛋 2021/11/13 文件大小:2.24 MB





1. We, the Leaders of the G20, met in Rome on October 30th and 31st, to address today’s most
pressing global challenges and to converge upon common efforts to recover better from the COVID-
19 crisis and enable sustainable and inclusive growth in our Countries and across the world. As the
premier forum for international economic cooperation, we are committed to overcoming the global
health and economic crisis stemming from the pandemic, which has affected billions of lives,
dramatically hampered progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and
disrupted global supply chains and international mobility. With this in mind, we express our profound
gratitude to the health and care professionals, frontline workers, international organizations and
scientific community for their relentless efforts to cope with COVID-19.
2. Underlining the crucial role of multilateralism in finding shared, effective solutions, we have
agreed to further strengthen our common response to the pandemic, and pave the way for a global
recovery, with particular regard to the needs of the most vulnerable. We have taken decisive measures
to support Countries most in need to overcome the pandemic, improve their resilience and address
critical challenges such as ensuring food security and environmental sustainability. We have agreed
upon a shared vision to combat climate change, and taken important steps towards the achievement of
gender equality. We have also further advanced in our common efforts to ensure that the benefits of
digitalization are shared broadly, safely and contribute to reducing inequalities.
3. Global economy. Over 2021, global economic activity has been recovering at a solid pace,
thanks to the roll-out of vaccines and continued policy support. However, the recovery remains highly
divergent across and within coun


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