文档介绍:While Dr. PJ is no expert on Baidu SEO, here is some information he has discovered. Source - /us/blog/6497- eight-tips-to-understanding-baidu-seo ? Baidu doesn ’ t seem to have the same PageRank inbound linking algorithm as Google does. ? So, spending your time by building inbound links with relevant websites in the Chinese (may) be a waste of your time , for SEO at least. ? Some experts say you will be better off investing time and money into your pay-per- click ad campaigns, as higher rankings are achieved solely by higher spend ? That is, the relevancy of the content to the search phrase isn ’ t counted in the way it is with Google. ? Baidu actively (controls) its content i n line with Chinese government regulations, so be very careful with what you put on your site. ? Learn about China ’ s regulations to determine what you can and can ’ t say before launching. ? With Google, you can host your site anywhere and then set each subdomain ’ s location using the Geotargeting tool to specify which region it’ s relevant to. ? Baidu doesn ’ t appear to offer the same service, so it ’ s best to buy a Chinese top level domain and host it on a server in China. ?L uckily domains and hosting services are relatively inexpensive in China, compared to those in other countries. ? So far, Baidu loves metadata. ? While Google has largely discounted the relevance of