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文档介绍:数字电子水准仪原理综述刘经南 1 叶晓明 2 杨蜀江 1 (1. 武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心, 武汉 430079; 2. 武汉大学测绘学院测量工程研究所, 武汉 430079) 摘要: 目前, 诸多文献关于数字电子水准原理的研究存在一些含糊不清的现状, 甚至有个别文献断言“解码方法可以互换”, 完全否认不同电子水准原理方法之间存在实质区别, 造成了一些研究误导。而各厂商的电子水准原理的命名角度本身也不一致, 不同原理之间的异同点也不明晰。鉴于此, 根据数字电子水准仪研究的成功经验, 明确指出电子水准原理的解码算法的本质都是模糊识别算法, 并对目前流行的几种电子水准原理的标尺编码方法进行研究, 分析它们的解码突破口, 指出它们之间的异同点, 梳理它们的学理名称与分类, 澄清学术界的一些模糊认识。关键词: 电子水准原理;电子水准仪;数字水准仪中图分类号: TP216 文献标识码:A 国家标准学科分类代码: T heo verview ofd igital e lectronic l evel p rinciple L iu Jingnan 1Ye Xiaoming 2Y ang Shujiang 1 (. W uhan University, wuhan 430079, C hina ) Abstract: Now, there are some ambiguous situations for the research about digital electronic level principle,even individual document to assert “ decode method can be exchanged ”, it pletely that differences between different electronic level principle , has caused some mislead on research. And the name angle to electronic level principle of each manufacturer are also ord, the point of similarities and differences between different principle is also not clear. In view of this, the author points out clearly that the essence of the decode algorithm of electronic level principle is vague identification algorithm according to the essful experience of the digital electronic level research, and study the coding method of ruler of all kinds of popular electronic level principles, analyses their decode breach, point out the point o