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IT企业实践服务系统设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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IT企业实践服务系统设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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IT企业实践服务系统设计与实现 毕业论文.doc



文档介绍:毕业设计题目: IT 企业实践服务系统设计与实现姓名: 学号: 学院: 信息学院专业: 计算机科学与技术同组人: 指导教师: 协助指导教师: 年月日 I 摘要 Interne t是世界上最大的计算机互联网络,它全球通用,将世界各地的所有网络连接成一个整体, 它在人们政治、经济、生活等各个领域发挥着至关重要的作用。通过计算机网络来处理学生和企业的信息,增加两者之间的了解,使沟通更加方便。本系统主要任务是,提供一个界面简洁美观、功能完善易懂的人才筛选,企业招聘系统。通过使用本系统可以让求职者资料清晰易查,也可以让公司针对求职者某些技能进行考核测试,以达到高效益,高质量的结果。该系统主要包括 3个模块:管理员模块,学生模块,企业模块。为了保用户的信息安全和私密性,管理员有特定权限,可以对用户账户进行增、删、改功能。学生模块中,在线考试功能最为重要,学生可以选择考试科目,试卷套题,在限定时间内完成测试,之后系统判卷给出分数。通过测试后,成绩自动录入学生信息。企业模块中,企业发布任务,上传任务要求和截止日期,学生按照要求完成任务,在指定时间内将成品发到企业邮箱,由企业进行评定审核。关键词: 数据库技术 B/S 结构信息系统 II A bstract is the world's work, it is universal, will connect all work all over the world asa whole, it plays an important role in the political, economic, people living in the fields. To deal with students and business information works, increase understanding between, make munication more convenient. The main task of this system is to provide screening, a simple and beautiful interface, perfect function and easy talent, enterprise recruitment system. By using this system allows job seekers information is clear and easy to check, can also make pany examination were tested for some skills of job seekers, in order to achieve high efficiency, high quality results. The system mainly includes 3 modules: the administrator module, the student module, business module. In order to protect user information security and privacy, administrators have specific permissions, you can add, delete, modify function for the user account. The student module, on-line examination system is most important, students can choose the examination subjects, examination test, completed the test ina limited time, after the system grading scores are given. After passing test, automatic score input student information. Enterprise task module, the enterprise release, upload task requirements and deadlines, students in accordance with the requirements plete the task, ina specified period of time will be refined to the enterprise mailbox, assessment approved by the enterprise. Keywords: Datab


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