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文档介绍:Writing a Resume & Job Application Letter
The Resume
A resume is a summary of your personal background and your qualifications for a job.
It helps your potential employer see at a glance whether you are suited to a job・
Points to Note about the Resume
Make it NEAT! First impressions count.
Type it on good-quality paper・
Proofread very carefully.
Be brief. Try to keep it to one page・
Use an acceptable format. Follow a reliable model (such as those provided in your textbook)・
Point up STRENGTHS, not weaknesses・ If your grades are weak, for example, emphasize your extracurricular activities.
3・ There are mainly two types of resume:
A. chronological resume
B・ skills resume
Choose the kind that makes you look best.
The Job Application Letter
A job application letter introduces you to a potential employer and invites him to read the resume. It should be brief, and interesting enough to make the employer want to know more and get you an interview opportunity.
Points to Note about the Job Application Letter
1・ In the first paragraph, state that you are an applicant and note where you saw the job listed ・ —introduction
2・ In the body paragraph(s), briefly state your qualifications and refer the reader to your resume・ --body
3・ In the last paragraph, state your willingness to come in for an interview.
Introduction (Why you are writing)
A. Begin with ref