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上传人:kunpengchaoyue 2021/11/19 文件大小:41 KB




文档介绍:: .
1. Which city in China do you like most? And why? 你最喜欢中国的哪座城市,为什么?
To be honest, my favorite city is my hometown, Changde, Hunan Province, Because the scenery over there is very beautiful, I think you have heard of Taoyuanming's peach graden,there is a place called Taohuayuan,which is called the hometown of the soul. there are many old buliding,fresh air,special local customs ,and peach blossoms bloom every year,which is worth I like this city. 老实说,我最喜欢的城市是我的家乡,常德,湖南省,因为那里的风景非常美丽,我想你们 听过陶渊明的《桃花源记》记吧,这里有一个叫做桃花源的景点,被称作心灵的故乡。里面 有很多古老的建筑, 清新的空气,特色的风土人情,每年都有桃花盛开。这里是一个值得旅 游的地方,所以我喜欢这个城市。
2. How do you feel about your progress to date? 到目前为止,你对你的进步有什么看法?
To be honest, compared with myself from two years ago, I have made great progress with the help of my teacher and classmates. First of all,I have acquired the basic knowledge of my major both in theory and practice. I think it is a great achievement for ,During the postgraduate entrance examination,I gained and improved have learnt to work with others and now I have a good sense of teamwork. 老实说,与两年前相比,在老师和同学的帮助下,我取得了很大的进步。首先,我获得了我 的专业的理论和实践的基础知识。 我认为这对我来说是一个很棒的成就。 此外, 在考研过程 中,我收获并提高了我自己,我学会了与他人合作,现在的我有了良好的团队合作意识。
3. Why do you want to be a postgraduate in this major? 你为什么想成为这个专业的研究生?
First of all,I have intense interest in d