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毕业设计选题系统 毕业设计(论文).doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/15 文件大小:0 KB


毕业设计选题系统 毕业设计(论文).doc


文档介绍:摘要目前,运用先进的管理信息系统及软件开发平台,对信息进行科学化和网络化管理,已经成为高校信息系统的发展趋势。其中,毕业设计选题系统使毕业生在毕业设计的整个过程中以及教师对毕业设计信息管理的过程中实现了系统化、规范化、无纸化。本系统是针对毕业设计管理工作,研究、设计并开发的毕业设计选题系统,采用 ASP 作为开发技术。在开发过程中首先分析了其主要的业务流程和信息交互的内容, 其次又结合了学校对毕业设计选题环节的管理标准和要求,经过系统的功能设计和数据库设计等过程,最终实现了系统要求的全部功能。本论文对该系统的主要特点以及采用的主要系统开发工具进行了简单的介绍,并从系统需求分析、总体设计、详细设计、系统实现和系统测试这五个阶段对系统开发的过程进行了详细的介绍。关键词: 数据库;毕业设计;功能;系统化; ASP ABSTRACT Currently, there is an uptrend in college to use the advanced management information system and software development platforms. It carries on scientific information working management. The system for choosing a graduating design makes the entire design process of graduate student and the management of the design information for es into systematization, standardization, scrip t- less . The system aims ata task of graduate design management. Research, design and development of the system adopt ASP as development technology. During the development process, firstly, its main operation flow and the information exchange content are analyzed. Secondly, it unites management standards and requests according to the college. After a series of design for function models and database, it makes the whole e true. The paper carries ona simple introduction for the characteristics and the development tools of the system. And it also carries ona detail introduction from five phases include system acquirement analysis, general design, detail design, system achievement and system testing. Key Words : Database; Graduate Design Management; Function; Systematic; ASP (Active Server Pages) 目录第一章导言............................................................................................................................................... 1 研究背景及意义.......................................................................................................................... 1 国内外研究概述.......................................................................................................................... 2 研究方法................


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