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学校_____座号____班级____姓名____总分____ 一、单项选择题 : (每题2分,共计60分)
1(通用技术在本课程中是指( )
A、信息技术 B、体现信息性和专业性的技术
C、体现基础性和通用性的技术 D、专业技术
2、 汽车的安全带设计主要实现了人机关系中的哪个目标,( ) A、安全 B、高效 C、健康 D、舒适
3、以下哪种结构是受自然界对结构设计形状的启发而产生的,( ) A、电灯泡 B、乒乓球 C、飞机的机翼 D、篮球架
4、技术语言是一种在技术活动中进行信息交流的特有的语言形式,下列哪种技术语言是沟通设计和生产之间的桥梁,是工程施工和产品加工制作的直接依据。( )
A、图表 B、口头语言 C、技术图样 D、模型
5、“虽有乎千金之玉卮,至贵而无当,漏不可盛水„„”这句话出自2000多年前战国时期思想家韩非子之口。意思是说:一个酒杯价值千金,但若是它漏了不能盛酒,也就失去了基本的功能,就没有了使用价值。它说明了设计必须要符合什么原则,( )
A、美观原则 B、经济原则 C、实用原则 D、技术规范原则
6、设计的一般过程:?发现与明确问题 ?制作模型或原型 ?制定设计方案 ?产品的使用和维护?测试、评估和优化。正确的顺序是 ( ) А、????? B、????? C、????? D、????? center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually ~. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than . When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... . Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement