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【精品文档】第 1 页
The street on the western side of the park, Central Park West, has large and unusual apartment buildings. When the first one was being built, people laughed. They said nobody with money would live in an apartment house, especially when it was so far from the center of town that it might as well be in the Dakotas. The builder had the last laugh; he named his building the Dakota, and when it opened, every apartment was occupied.
The Dakota has had many famous residents, including actress Lauren Bacail and conductor/ composer Leonard Bernstein. But, above all, the building makes people think of John Lennon, who lived there and was killed right outside on December 8th, 1980.
Task 2
1) twelve miles; several hundred; eight hundred thousand
2) over a thousand
3) far; grander; bigger
1) F
2) T
3) T
Constantinople and the Medieval Society
In the ninth and tenth centuries Constantinople was one of the biggest, richest and most sophisticated cities in the world. The city was surrounded by about twelve miles of walls, and inside were several hundred churches and chapels and about eight hundred thousand inhabitants. The river and harbor were crowded with sailing ships from all over the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. Above it all was the dome of Sancta Sophia. At night, lit by over a thousand lamps hanging from its dome and arches, the whole building glowed.
Paris and the Leisure Society
The crowds of fashionable people going around in coaches or walking in the Tuileries gardens were a new development in the European city. They formed what was called "society": a group of people who did things together, entertained each other and behaved in a certain way. Society became an extremely important element in cities: theatres, opera houses, pleasure gardens, racecourses, cof-fee houses, shops, entire neighbourhoods and finally entire towns grew up as a result of it.
Manchester and the Industr