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【精品文档】第 1 页
Urban planning and development in
Ali Madanipour
Department of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Available online 25 September 2006
With a population of around 7 million in a metropolitan region of 12 million inhabitants, Tehran is one of the larger cities of the world. This paper charts its planning and development through the ages, particularly since the mid-20th century, a period in which the city has gained most of its phenomenal growth. Three phases are identified in this historical process, with different types of urban planning exercised through infrastructure design and development, land use regulation, and policy development.
_ 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Planning, Urban growth, Iranian cities
Planning through infrastructure design and development: foundations for growth
The first phase of Tehran’s planning refers to the period before the Second World War, whereby at
least three major efforts set the framework for the city’s growth and development: walling the city
(1550s) , expanding the walled city (1870s) and building a new urban infrastructure (1930s). They were all led by the government’s ability and desire to instigate change and shape the city through undertaking large-scale infrastructure projects.
Tehran was a village outside the ancient city of Ray, which lay at the foot of mount Damavand, the highest peak in the country, and at the intersection of two major trade highways: the east–west Silk Road along the southern edge of Alburz mountains and the north–south route that connected the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf. Ray had been inhabited for thousands of years and was the capital of the Seljuk dynasty in the 11th century; however, it declined at the end of the medieval period, when Tehran started to grow (Lockhart, 1960).
The first large-scale town planning exercise in Tehran was undertaken in 1553, with the const


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