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文档介绍:充值下载即送 CAD 图纸, QQ 36396305 1 摘要机械设计在国民经济发展中起着重要作用,***担负着为国民经济部门提供各种性能先进, 价格低廉, 使用安全可靠, 造型美观的技术装备的任务, 在国家现代化建设中举足轻重, 机械产品的竞争力取决于产品的质量,产品的质量取决于产品的设计。螺旋千斤顶是一种起重高度小( 小于 1m ) 的最简单的设备。主要用于矿、交通运输部门作为车辆修理及其它起重、支撑等工作。其结构轻巧坚固、灵活可靠, 一人即可携带和操作。千斤顶是用刚性顶举件作为工作装置,通过顶部托座,底部托爪在小行程内顶升重物的轻小起重设备。该千斤顶是手动起重工具种类之一,其结构紧凑,合理的使用摇杆的摆动,使小齿轮转动,经一对圆锥齿轮啮合运转, 带动螺杆旋转,推动升降套筒,从而使重物上升或下降。设计既是产品开发周期中关键的环节,又贯穿于产品开发过称的始终,设计决定了产品功能和目标的方案,结构和选材,制造方法以及产品运行,使用和维修方法。设计不合理会导致产品不完善,成本提高或可靠性、安全性不高。产品设计上的缺陷造成的先天不足, 难以采取制造和使用措施加以弥补。严重的设计不合理甚至会造成产品设计不出来或不能使用,导致产品设计失败。本次设计中,我首先查阅了大量资料,确定了将要设计的千斤顶结构,了解了零件的组成,和运行原理, 然后通过计算得出了结构数据, 再通过 CAD 作出相关图形, 使用 PROE 作出三维图, 再进行了运动仿真,进而得出成果。关键词: 机械设计;螺旋千斤顶;设计计算;运动仿真。 2 Abstract As is known to all, mechanical layout plays an important role in our daily national industry undertakes the task that improve the capability-advanced,low-price,safety,and good-looking equipment in the part of national advantage of the mechanical equipment is of the quality of machine,And the quality of machine depends on the mechanical layout. The screw jack isa machine which has low lifting is used for lifting and sustain in the repairing of cars in traffic and mining the structure of screw jack is stong and flexible,it can be carried and operated bya single is made up of rigid lifting using the top bracket and the bottom drag claw,one can lift something ina short jack isa part of HM-lifting pact structure,one can lift the heavy things by swing reasonable distance of the jointed arm to make the wheel gear move to enable the screw revolving. This layout is not only a important part of the product development cycle,but also run through from the beginning to the end of the development of the layout make sense of the function and plan,structure and material selecting,manufacturing methods and product operation,and using and design may result in the imperfect of product and ad