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固定资产管理系统 毕业设计论文.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/18 文件大小:0 KB


固定资产管理系统 毕业设计论文.doc


文档介绍:固定资产管理系统学生姓名: xxx 指导教师: xxx 所在院系: xxx 所学专业: xxx xxx 大学中国?xxx xxx 年xxx 月 II 中文摘要随着企业规模的逐步扩大,其固定资产的投资规模相应扩大。目前, 固定资产管理很多仍停留在手工管理模式,其运作机制已和企业的业务发展规模不相适应。如何对固定资产进行有效的管理,是目前企业十分关注的问题。由于数据库技术及其开发工具的不断发展,开发一套企业规范的固定资产管理系统, 实现计算机化管理, 在技术上已经变得非常容易实现。本次实训设计的题目是开发一个固定资产管理系统。该系统可以分为 9 个功能模块:登陆模块、提示模块、资产类型管理模块、仓库管理模块、资产管理模块、资产借出管理模块、资产折旧管理模块、资产统计模块和用户管理模块;考虑到页面显示时列出的表单可能很长,故添加了一个分页模块。经过测试,整个系统达到了界面良好、灵活易用的效果。关键词:固定资产管理系统;用户管理;资产折旧 III Fixed Assets Management System Abstract With the enlargement of the enterpri se scale gradual ly, the investment of its fixed assets is expanded correspondingly . At present ,a lot of fixed assets management still stay in the management of the manual pattern , its operation mechanism has been unsuitable for the business of enterprises. How to carry on the effective management to the fixed assets is the question. Because of the development of the database ’s technology and develop er kits , it has been e easy to design the normal fixed assets management system for a enterprises . The system has realize d the management controlled puters. The subject of graduat ion is to design a fixed assets management system. The system includes nine function modules: loading module, suggesting module, the module of asset ’s type, storage management module, asset management module, the module of lending asset , the module ofa sset depreciation, the module of asset statistics and user management module . At the same time, because the page displays the form set very long, a paging module is add ed. After the test, the overall system has a friendly interface, which is used conveniently. Keywords : Fixed Assets Management System; User Management; A sset D epreciation IV 目录目录························································································································ IV 第一章系统概述···················································································&#18