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The Enn eagram (also sometimes called Enn eago n ) is a nin e-po in ted geometric figure. The
term derives from two Greek words - ennea (nine) and grammos (something written or draw n).
The in troductio n of the Enn eagram figure is credited to . Gurdjieff , who introduced it in his teachings as a uni versal symbol which displays the fun dame ntal cosmic laws. Gurdjieff did not disclose where the figure orig in ally came from besides clai ming that it was the emblem of secret societies.
The Enn eagram figure is now used for various purposes in a nu mber of differe nt teach ing systems. In more rece nt years the figure has mostly come into prominence because of its use with what is often called the Enneagram of Pers on ality. The fun dame ntal con cepts of the Enn eagram of Pers on ality are attributed to Oscar Ichazo.
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Enn eagrams show n as seque ntial stellati ons
In geometry an enneagram is a regular nine-sided star polyg on, using the same points as the regular enn eag on but conn ected in fixed steps.
It has two forms: {9/2} and {9/4} connecting every 2nd and every 4th points respectively. There is also a star
figure , {9/3}, made from the regular enneagon points but conn ected as a compo und of three equilateral tria ngles