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【精品文档】第 2 页
A Review of The CATCH-22(First Chapter)
When I am reading the first chapter of the CATCH-22, the biggest impression it gives me is, of course, the "black humor ". Catch-22 is a satirical and historical novel by the American author Joseph Heller.
A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation in which an individual cannot avoid a problem because of contradictory constraints or rules. Often these situations are such that solving one part of a problem only creates another problem, which ultimately leads back to the original problem.
The First Chapter mainly talks about Captain John Yossarian, a . Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier, and a number of other characters. Not wanting to face the violence of World War II, Yossarian has gone to an Italian military hospital claiming to have a pain in his liver.
John Yossarian is both a member of the squadron’s community and alienated by it. Although he flies and lives with the men, he is marked as an outsider by the fact that many of the men think he is insane. His difference from the rest of the men leads us to expect something exceptional from Yossarian. But Yossarian’s characteristics are not those of a typical hero. In fact, from the first chapter we can learn that his primary goal throughout the novel is to
【精品文档】第 3 页
avoid risking his life whenever possible.
The syst


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