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Neighbors Who Need Good Fences
来源:纽约时报 2014-08-29 19:06:26
A quick montage at the beginning of “Dawn of the of the Apes” fills us in on what has happened since “Rise of the of the Apes.” Three years have gone by for us in the audience, and about a decade for the assorted primates on the screen. James Franco and millions of other people are dead, victims of a lethal virus and the usual apocalypse-causing disease of hubris. After a period of violence and chaos, the survivors have cobbled together a reasonably stable society in the ruins of San Francisco, with Gary Oldman in charge. 《猩球崛起2:黎明之战》(Dawn of the of the Apes)开始时,一段简短的蒙太奇镜头向我们交代了《猩球崛起1》(Rise of the of the Apes)之后的故事。对于观众们来说,时间过去了三年,而片中的各种灵长类动物们则度过了10年的时间。由于一种致命病毒,乃至通常会导致人类末日的妄自尊大,詹姆斯·弗兰克(James Franco)和千百万人类都已死去。经过了一段暴力与混乱的时期,人类幸存者们勉强组成了较为稳定的社会,生活在旧金山的废墟之中,由加里·奥德曼(Gary Oldman)领导。
But this is not “Dusk of the of the Humans.” The spectacle of yet another desperate population, huddled together in the wake of catastrophe to await the next zombie, alien, robot or monster attack, would be unlikely to inspire much excitement. The real interest lies across the battered Golden Gate Bridge, in Marin County, where our evolutionary cousins, under the benevolent guidance of an upright-walking chimpanzee named Caesar, have built their own civilization. In contrast to the bedraggled human colony, the ape en


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