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上传人:1314042**** 2021/12/1 文件大小:23 KB




1.How do you spell it ? 你怎样拼写? spell it ,please .请把它拼写出来。
sb at 电话号码。打电话给某人
for doing sth = thank you for doing 。或因做某事而谢谢你。
4 next to 在----旁边 behind in front of between ---- and ------
5 take ------ to -------- 把某物带到某地方去 bring ----- to -------把某物带到某地方来
6 what about /how about doing ?做某事怎样?about后面接动词ing形式
sb do sth 让某人做某事 let him help you let us watch TV let’s play computer games
sounds good . that sounds interesting
to do sth 指某一次具体的行为= like doing sth 经常性的或****惯性的行为。
much = what’ s the price of ? 问价钱的句子。
11 how old are you?=what ‘s your age ? what’s his /her age ? 问年龄的句子。
12 when is your birthday ? my birthday is January 1st .
think he is a teacher .(think的否定句是否定前移,翻译时放到后面)
I don’t think he is a teacher .翻译为我认为他不是一个老师。
to do sth = would like to do sth 想要做某事。
kind of movies do you like ? I like comedies .I don’t like thrillers or documentaries .
16 why do you like comedies ? because they are very funny .
17 why don’t you like documentary ? because they are boring .
can play the guitar . she can play the drum . 情态动词后面跟动词原型,不用动词三单形式
he can play soccer / chess .球类和棋类前面不加the .
19 what club do you want to join ?
I want to join the music club ? Do you want to join the music club ?
20 be good with sb擅长与某人打交道 be good at sth /doing sth = do well in 在某方面