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文档介绍:中文摘要论文题目:王勃诗歌研究专业:中国古代文学硕士生:张培培指导教师:王安庭签名: 签名: IHIJ1]III Y230697 1 摘要前人对王勃诗歌的研究多专注于内容、贡献、地位、形式、局限性等方面,而对王勃诗歌对前代的学****和借鉴方面的研究较少,对题材的开拓表现和艺术方面的创新点等研究尚未细致深入。本文主体分为三部分:第一部分主要研究王勃诗歌对前代诗歌的继承:对《诗经》、《楚辞》的吸纳,主要包括发扬诗骚精神、借鉴其艺术、学****语言形式。对汉魏六朝诗歌的弘扬,包括对乐府诗的学****对建安风骨的弘扬,对齐梁诗歌的扬弃。第二部分主要研究王勃对唐初诗歌题材的开拓: 山水纪行诗,主要包括展现壮美山河及广阔胸怀,描绘郊野的优美风光,抒写羁旅行役之苦。怀友送别诗,一类流露面对离别时的乐观心态,一类抒写离愁别绪。关注百姓诗,包括描写百姓劳动生活、反映***女悲苦、表现思妇哀怨等。第三部分主要研究王勃诗歌的艺术创新:对五律体式的探索, 主要从暗合格律、分析对仗来研究。多样的艺术创新,从用典精严、意象丰富、以赋为诗等方面来研究。艺术风格,主要体现为雄放壮阔,兼有冲淡自然、明朗鲜丽。【关键词】王勃诗歌继承创新【论文类型】基础研究山西师范大学学位论文 2 Title:Poetry ofWang Bo 英文摘要 Maj or:Classical Chinese Literature Name:Zhang Peipei Signature: Su[ :Wang AntingSupervisor Wang tlng :An Signature: Abstract Previous researches of Poetry ofWangBo focus on theme,more contribution to the research,form,limitations, are less poetry of WangBo on the generation of learning and using for reference research,for the subject development and the artistic innovation of the research has not been are bigger space on research of poetry ofWangBo. This paper isdivided into three parts:the first part:The sublation of the former generation ofpoetry inthe book ofsongs,including spirit of poetry of QuYuan,artistic technique,learning language forward of south-north poetry,including the study ofpoems,to take a promotion,the sublation of the qiliang poetry characteLPoetry of WangBo in the second part mainly research the theme of development:Scenic wonders of poetry,mainly including show glorious rivers and broad mind,love of leisurely and free lifeand deep suffering some service farewell poems,including the real thoughts of friends,performance of optimism,describe the sorrow of parting-Steet life ofpoetry,including pay close attention to the lower labor people,reflects country life,to reflect the city 4 山西师范大学学位论文 life·Artistic innovation of the third part:Poetry exploration of poetry,mainly from the use of rhyme and the level and oblique tones,neat antithesis,reselts to researc