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To find the small light that brights our life for all of the shadows that you have stolen, which is our full petition to you.
-<<The shadow Thief>>
Author introduction
Marc Levy, a French writer with the most readers all over the world. He has won the best selling French writer for consecutive 12 years. The Shadow Thief is his tenth published book. It’s a healing novel writen in the first person that can wake up childhood memories and the inner dream.
Main Characters
Elizabeth:the girl I love secretly
Claire:my childhood sweetheart
Mug:my sworn enemy
Ivan:A school janitor friend
Sufi:A female intimate who fall in love with me
This novel by French author Marc Levy tells the touching story of a boy at two periods of his life:
first as a 12-year-old boy arriving at a new school in a new town and later as a young adult at a medical school.
     In the first part, the boy’s father leaves home suddenly. He experiences his first love——Elizabeth and his early struggles to find his place in the school.
     In the second part, he falls in love, and deals with his mother’s death, and finds his true love.
     The book is a love story. It writes about the love between a mother and son, first love between a boy and girl, and a son’s love for his absent father.
     The protagonist has


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