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0弓躲美辛英文名为:Indomethacin。又名:抗炎11引嗥酸,为非笛体抗炎药,具有 抑制环氧酶的作用致使前列腺素的合成减少以达到抗炎、镇痛、解热作用。制止炎症组 织痛觉神经冲动的形成,抑制炎性反应。至于解热作用,由于作用于 下视丘体温调节中 枢,引起外周血管扩张及出汗,使散热增加。
综合考虑原料药来源,反应条件,反应收率,经济合理性中间产物污染性,目标产 物纯度等多个条件,找到一条最佳的反应路线,制定合理的工业生产工艺流程。本文是 以对甲氧基苯月券和乙醛为初始原料经过多步反应合成a引嗥美辛的,各步的收率在80%以 上。
本设计为年产50吨呵嗥美辛的生产车间工艺设计,主要包括产品的最佳合成路 线、工艺流程的设计及工艺流程图、生产过程的物料衡算、厂区平面设计图、车间设备 布责图、主要设备图等的绘制,最后是毕业设计说明书。
I ndomethaci n En gl i sh no me: I n domethaci n. Al so known as: Ant i-i nf Iammatory i n dole acid, non-steroidal an t i - i nfIamm otory drugs inhibit cyclooxygenose roIe i n caus i ng decreased prostag Ic i nd i n synthes i s i n order to ach i eve ant i-i nfIammatoryz ana Iges i c and ant i pyret ic effects - Suppress ion of i nfIommotory t i ssue poin nerve impuIsest inhibit the infIammotory response. As for the antipyretic effect, because acting on the hypothaIamus thermoreguIatory center, caus i ng per i pheraI vasod iIatat i on and sweat i ng, heat d i ss i pat i on i n creases. •
Consider ing the source of drug substances, the reaction conditions, the reaction yield, economic rational ity intermediate pollution, ond the target product pur ity and many other cond it i ons, to f i nd on optimum react i on route to deveI op a reasonabIe i n dustr i a I product i on process. Thi s art icIe i s based on methoxyphenyIhydrozi ne and acetaIdehyde as start i ng mot erials through multi-step react ion of i ndomethac in, each step yields above 80% •
The des i gn for the onnua I product ion capac ity of 50 tons of i ndomethaci n production plant process design, including the products of the best synthetic route, process design ond process fIow d iagrams, process mater ia I ba lance, graphic desig n foctory. workshop equipment layout maps, d iagrams and other major equi pment drawi ngr and find ly graduated from the design specification.
Keywords: in domethaci n; Anti-infIammatory ono Igesic;
Synthesi s; Process
非笛体抗炎药(Nonsteroidol Ant i inf