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海 南 师 范 大 学
AnAnalysisofHolden’s CharacterintheCatcherintheRye
姓 名: 李紫燕
学 号:
专 业: 英语
年 级: 2011级
系 别: 英语系
完成日期: 2014年6月
指导教师: 彭狄
AnAnalysisofHolden’s CharacterintheCatcherintheRye
Author: Li Ziyan Supervisor: Peng Di
(Foreign Language college, Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571158)
Abstract: HoldenCaulfieldistheprotagonistofthenovelTheCatcherintheRye,whichistheAmericanfamouswriterJeromeDavidSalinger’snovel, who hated the adult hypocrisy world. He wants to escape from the reality but the side of his weakness decides that he is doomed to failure. Different from other novels, the author presents an anti-hero role who is dissatisfied with reality, hating material pursuit and seeking the spiritual realm. As a rebel, he is struggling with the world. Meanwhile he is in deep love with purity of his childhood and innocence of children. More importantly, he defends children’s soul an
d keeps watch the bright ideal. Itanalyzesfurthertheprocessofcatchinganddisillusionofhisdream,includingtheimmaturityofmind, paper centers on two major aspects to analyze characters of Holden. One is his rebellious spirit; the other is his consistent pursuit of defending purify a


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