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Brief Introduction
It is one of the most precious animals in the world.
It is the national treasure of China and the symbol of WWFN since 1961.
It belongs to the bear family.
How big is a panda?
Giant pandas are about 150cm long from nose to rump, with a 10-15cm tail.
A large adult panda can weigh about 100-150kg, with males 10% larger and 20% heavier than females.
By 2004, there were estimated to be 1,600 pandas alive in the wild.
1974-1977: 1,000 -1,100
1985-1988: around 1,000
Pandas live mainly bamboo forests high in the mountains of western China. Most of the wild population being distributed between the Qinling and Minshan Mountains.
How long do they live?
Pandas are dependent on their mothers for the first few months of their lives and are fully weaned〔断奶〕 at 8 to 9 months.
A panda's average life span in the wild is 14-20 years (but a panda can live up to 30 years in captivity).
What do pandas eat?
The simple answers is: bamboo.
Bamboo contains very little nutritional value, so pandas must eat 12-38kg every day to meet their energy needs.
Only about 1% of their diet is made up of other plants and meat. Occasionally the panda will hunt for pikas(属兔类) and other small rodents〔啮齿类〕.
What makes giant panda in danger?
Deforestation. (滥伐森林)
Scattered distribution.
The decrease of food.
How to protect them?
Chendu Research Base Of Giant Panda Breeding.
Nature Reserves.
Messenger Of Peace And Friendship
The precious and childlike giant panda is not only the national treasure of China but also the envoy of peace and friendship for the world.


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