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上传人:天随人愿的夏天 2021/12/6 文件大小:82 KB





should we celebrate western festivals?
nowadays, western festivals such as christmas and valentine ’ s day are gaining increasing popularity in china, especially among college students. but whether we should celebrate these festivals has become a subject of heated discussion.
some believe celebrating western festivals is a sign of globalization. they argue that china needs to take in various foreign cultures so as to blend into the modern world. and celebrating western festivals is a good opportunity for the chinese to know more about other cultures. however, others believe that the western festivals threaten a kind of cultural aggression. therefore, we should drive them out lest they should undermine our traditional culture.
in my opinion, as college students, we should preserve the traditional chinese culture as well as stay open to western ones. therefore, while laying emphasis on chinese festivals, we could also absorb foreign elements.
whether we should celebrate these festivals has become a subject of heated discussion.
yet whether it ’s proper to celebrate these festivals or not has become a subject of hot debate.
however, to celebrate these festivals or not has triggered
heated discussion.
but to celebrate these festivals or not has become a topic under intense argument.
argue that china needs to take in various foreign cultures so as to blend into the modern world.
they are convinced that china needs to absorb different foreign cultures so as to keep up with the modern world.
they believe that only through taking in various foreign elements can china blend into the modern world. ? they
maintain that it ’ s essential for china to absorb different foreign cultures in order to integrate into the
modern world.
and celebrating western festivals is a good opportunity for the chinese to know more about other cultures.
? and celebrating western festivals s