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上传人:春华秋实 2021/12/6 文件大小:29 KB




【篇一:装船通知单 (中英文 )】
shipping advice
contract no.: ct2341
l/c no. : sue2497
issuing date: 20121005
we are pleased to advice you that the following mentioned
goods has been shipped out. full
details were shown as follows:
to datung trading co., ltd, no. 549 avenue 3, san francisco

california , usa .
from hangzhou west lake electronic company commodity
packing conditions west lake color tv sets, 25inches each set
packed in one carton, 500 cartons transported in one 40ft
container. shipment within 15 days after receipt of l/c.
yanghan port to
san francisco via hk. the packing of the goods shall be
from (well protected against) dampness (moisture

), rust,
and shock, and
shall be suitable for ocean transportation. the seller shall be liable for
any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the improper packing.
the measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as
“this side up ”, “keep away from moisture ”, “handle with care ” shall
be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment.
50000 sets
gold quantity total value ocean vessel
from shanghai, china to tokyo, japan via dalian china etd
eta 20121003 20121123
we herewith certify this message to


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