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上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/7/22 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:汽车修理管理系统的开发汽车修理管理系统的开发摘要伴随着计算机技术的发展和普及, 计算机进入了很多人的日常生活并且在企业的生产管理中起着非常重要的作用。从当今世界的发展情况来看,原有的生产管理技术已经远远不能满足企业的生产发展需要,我们必须利用现代化的科技手段来控制和管理整个汽车运行过程,以达到开源节流,减员增效的目的,从而推动企业向良性,有序的方向发展。怎样去适应这种生产发展,怎样合理地利用计算机资源,是目前大多数企业寻求稳定持续发展的大课题。所以能否合理地利用计算机资源已成为衡量企业是否能够稳定持续发展的重要标准。但因为每一种生产特点的不同,所以每个企业对自己生产的流程控制与统计都有各自的不同要求。这就要求企业找到一种满足自己需求的软件。于是,我针对汽车维修开发了这个软件---汽车维修运营管理系统软件。用来针对在汽车运行过程当中处理维修的运营管理。在这个软件的开发过程当中我得到了工厂管理人员的鼎力支持,确定了软件的功能要求,即是本软件的维修分析。在维修分析的基础上,写出了软件的详细设计过程。从目前的运行情况来看,该软件具有一下几点实用价值: 1、用户界面简洁,友好。 2、操作简单,快捷。 3、报表大方美观。 4、能将车间里该维修的生产管理数据生成报表,实用性强。关键字:计算机技术、管理、汽车修理、软件汽车修理管理系统的开发 Abstract Along with the development and popularization puter technology, Computer access toa lotof people's everyday lives and in the management of enterprises play a very important role in today's world development. The original production management technology development has been far from satisfying the needs of the production, We must take advantage of modern technology and management methods to control the operation of the entire vehicle, in order to cut expenditure. The purpose of cutting staff to boost efficiency, so as to push forward the healthy enterprises, in an orderly way. How to adapt to the development of production, how rational use puter resources. Most enterprises seeking stability is the topic of sustainable development. So whether this isa reasonable way to measure whether ornot the use puter resources has e an important standard to the stable and sustainable development. However, because the different characteristics of each type of product. So each of their production enterprises have their own statistical process control and the different requirements. This requires the software to meet their own needs to find a business. So, I developed a vehicle maintenance management software -- operating system software, vehicle maintenance. Targeted at the automotive repair process management of the operation. In the software development process, I have the full support of fac