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文档介绍:董其昌山水画的风格特征及对后世的影响荚术学专业研究生:周文斌指导教师:段七丁中文摘要:董其昌是中国绘画发展史上一位举足轻重的人物。他的绘画风格和漫润着其荑学旨趣的域理画论对当时和后世的山水画艺术产生了深远的影响。俸为积极倡导鼓畎“南宗”正统地位的一代宗师,董其昌的山水画南北分索论总结和发展了中国古代的绘画美学思想,为中国古代义艺思想的发展作出了巨大的贡献。董其昌的山水函上追五代董源、巨然,宋代郭熙、米芾,元代黄公望、倪瓒等, 集诸山水名家之所长,在笔、形、境三方面建立了独特的图象符号,形成了自己独特的山水画风格特征。表现在笔的图象符号上体现出书法性、趣味性、节奏感的强调,而在形的图象符号上则表现出明显的平面形式语言“符号化”的特征。董其昌的山水画在境的图象符号上表现出平淡天真的意境。董其昌的山水画风格在当时就风靡一时,对后世也产生了深远的影响,被后世殛家奉为“南宗”正脉的一代宗师。后世画家如八大、四王等都是继承了和发展了堇其昌的山水风格而攀誉盛名的。全文共分为五大部分。引言:问题的提出。第一章;董其吕钓生平。第二章:董其昌的山水画论。第三章:董其昌山水画作品的风格特征“ l。笔的图象符号特征(笔墨及表域形式)。 (画面上笔墨、景物、构图的形态)a <景象境界和精神意蕴)n 第蹿章:董其昌山水画风格特征对后世的影响。关键词:董其昌南北宗论风格特征 The ehar8cteristics and Influence of Dang Qichang’s Mountains“’and——waters Paintings Major:Fine Art Graduate:Zhou Wenbin Tutor:Duan Qiding Abstract=Dong Qichang is an important figure in the history of China’s fine painting style and unique art theory have greatly influenced the art ofMountains—and watei’s Paintings at that time and today,A8 a great artist addvocating the dominating position of the Nanzong,Dong Qichang’s art theory has summarized and developed China’s ancient aesthetic thoughts and made great contributian8 tothe further development of Chinese ancient literary thoughts, Dong has learned from Dong Yuan and Ju Ran in the Five dynasties, 6uo Xi,Mi Fu inthe Song dynasty,Huang Gongwang and NiZan inthe Yuan dynasty,formed his own distinctive semiotics in terms of stroke,form andimage,and thus built his unique style features of mountains~and waters be specific,in regard to the semiotics of the strokes,it displays the stress on calligraphy;interest and rhyme。As to the semiotics of the form,it features the obviOIIS characteristies of?. paintings SHOWS a plain and innocent image. bona’s painting style was very influential even at that time and affected today’s paintings a ,he s regarded as the master of the Nanzong by the artists artists like Bada and Siwang borrowed and developed his artistic style and became