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文档介绍:重庆大学硕士学位论文中文摘要 I 摘要超现实主义画派在近代艺术史上给很多后来的艺术家提供了多种风格、思想的借鉴,对近当代油画艺术产生了不可磨灭的影响。超现实主义画派大师达利, 用其独创的“偏执狂批判法”创造了一系列涉及油画、雕塑、插画设计、时装设计、产品设计等广泛领域的无数作品。是什么影响了这个幼年就表现出绘画天赋的加泰罗尼亚人,让他带给世人难以言说的有着梦幻般瑰丽色彩和诡异残酷气氛的“梦境”油画?是他幼年经历深刻的影响了他,使其对生死等神秘的概念倾其一生在作品中探讨?还是在接触并了解了弗洛伊德的哲学思想后,达利吸收了并几乎病态的执着于“偏执狂批判法”, 用这个指导他艺术创作的法宝创造了出那些惊世骇俗的作品?而达利作品中那些在精神分析法下提炼的,极具象征意义的符号化物体, 是否就是达利思想、生活的充分体现?让我们通过达利画中的符号,用符号学的角度去探寻那些引起达利灵感迸发的精灵和其出现的原因。本文旨在通过对达利艺术的个案研究,对达利艺术创作的实践历程作一次梳理,采用比较、联系,由个别到一般,由实践到理论的研究方法来进行研究。希望可以对达利的艺术创作形成一个整体而准确的认识,从而肯定其在现代艺术中的作用和贡献。并通过对达利绘画符号的分析,让人们从中找到提炼自己独有艺术符号的线索与启示,相信对形成个性独特的艺术风格有一定帮助关键词: 超现实主义画派,达利,弗洛伊德精神分析论,符号重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要 II ABSTRACT In the modern history of art, Surrealis m School makes an indelible impression on recent and contemporary oil painting by providi ng or borrowing various styles and ideas to many later artists. Salvador Dali, a Sp anish surrealist artist known for his unique Paranoiac Criticism produces a series of wo rks, ranging from canvas and sculpture to the designs of illustration, fashionable dress and products. What the blazes had influenced this Catalonian showing signs of his painting genius from an early age and brought the world his dreamlike, fanciful im agery and brilliantly colored grotesque cruel canvases. Did his profound childhood ex perience make a great influence on him and encouraged himself to take a further e xploration on some myst erious concepts, as life and death. Or, did he create those resolutely astonished masterpiece by immoderately adhering to his unique Paranoiac Criticism af ter he contacted and then understood Freud's philosophy. Whether those significant symbols in Dali's works were abstracted from psycho analysis are the em bodiment of his philosophy and life style. Now, Let us start to seek Dali's creative in spirations and reasons from the angle of semeiology through those symbols in his works. By studying the cases of Dali's works, this bs Dali's practice in creation. The methods parison analys