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文档介绍:2 摘要大学生生命价值教育是教育者针对大学生这一特殊的生命群体,运用一定的教育手段和方式,激发大学生的内心动力,唤起大学生心灵感受,引导大学生正确认识生命价值、领悟人生,创造大学生生命价值教育的一种实践活动。开展大学生生命价值教育,有利于促进高校思想政治教育的新发展,有助于帮助大学生探索健康向上的生命价值追求。全文共分为四章。第一章,主要探讨大学生生命价值教育的本质。对大学生生命价值教育的内涵和特点进行了探讨。并对大学生生命价值教育的作用进行了阐述。第二章,重点阐述了生命价值教育的内容和原则,探讨了大学生生命价值教育的具体内容和应当遵循的原则。第三章,围绕当前大学生生命价值教育存在的主要问题及其产生的原因进行分析。第四章,寻找加强大学生生命价值教育的路径选择,分别从家庭支持、学校支持、政府和社区支持、个人支持等四个方面, 对如何做好大学生生命价值教育进行探讨。关键词:大学生;生命价值;生命价值教育 Abstract The life value education of university students is the education for the students of this special groups of life, the use of certain education means and methods, inner motivation of college students, to arouse the students' feelings, and guide students to a correct understanding of the value of life, understand life, create a practice the life value education of University students. To carry out the life value education of university students, to promote the new development of the ideological and political education, help university students to explore the pursuit of life value. The full text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter, mainly discusses the nature of the life value education of university students. The connotation and characteristics of College Students' Education in the value of life is discussed. Andthe effect on the life value education of university students is discussed in this paper. The second chapter, it focuses on the content and principle of life value of education, and probes into the concrete contents of College Students' Education in the value of life and the principles to be followed. The third chapter, analyses the reasons of the main problems concerning the life value education of university students and its. The fourth chapter, looking for ways to strengthen college students' Education in the value choice of life, from four aspects which are family support, school support, government and social support, personal support, to discuss how to do the life value education of