文档介绍:Abstragt Abstract Tourism is asunrise industry,where there is enormous economic potential and broad market the 21st economic benefits will e a powerful traction which leads the world’s economic keep rising. China has along history,vast territory,preciOUS historical and cultural heritage,natural beauty of the landscape and avariety of ethnic customs. A11 these are abundant tourism resources of is no doubt that the prospects ofChinese tourism will berefulgent and filled with infinite business ,one of the most effective manners to promote local economic development is to find local resources inconnection with real ty and local condi tions and to integrate the development of distinctive tourism into local economic restructuring consciously. At the same time,tourism is a resource based order to achieve sustainable development of tourism,the development of ecological tourism is a inevitable tourism isbased on the natural ecological environment, so it pays attention to the protection of ecological a tourism form which isback to the nature and self—participatory,it plays an important and active role inthe protection of natural and cultural touri sm resources, in the real ization of sustainable use of tourism resources and in the balance of economic interests. To develop tourism,we must carry out tourism planning and design on the tourism must pay attention to the study of public act psychology todo agood job inlandscape ng landscape planning and environmental design as core,it is in order to reach the best spot of spatial planning layout and sight ,we must emphasize on the protection and reuse oftourism resources and ecological environment particularly to realize the sustainable development of tourism. Based on the rural landscape,natural environment and ecological resources,leisure tourisry agricultural is a new mode of agricultu