文档介绍:1 赛里木湖水环境主要污染因子研究 文方,董楠,程艳,* 新疆环境保护科学研究院,乌鲁木齐830011 摘要: 采集赛里木湖区域内湖泊、湖滨和主要入湖河流水样,利用平均综合污染指数法评价水环境现状,通过计算污染指标的污染分担率筛选主要污染物,分析各指标间的相关关系,明晰赛里木湖流域主要污染物及其来源。结果表明,赛里木湖流域水质较好,湖泊、湖滨、、、,,呈贫营养水平。主要污染因子包括pH、氟化物、氨氮、总氮、总磷、BOD 和高锰酸盐指数,现存的氮磷污染和有机物污染主要来自过度放牧和旅游业的粗放式发展。 关键词: 赛里木湖;水质;污染分担率;主要污染物;污染来源 Research on Major Water Pollutants in the Sailimu Lake WEN Fang, DONG Nan ,CHEN Yan, JIA-ER-HENG Ahati * Xinjiang Academy of Environmental Protection Science ,Urumqi 830011 , China Abstract: Water samples of lake, lake side, and rivers draining into lake we re obtained in Sailimu Lake. Average comprehensive pollution index method was used to assess the present situation of water environment. Major pollutants were screened by studying the sharing ra tio of each pollutant. Meanwhile, the co rrelation between major pollutants was analyzed. The purpose of this study is to reveal major pollutants and associated sources of Sailimu Lake basin. Results demonstrated that water quality of Sailimu Lake basin was good. Water prehensiv e index of lake, lakeside, and rivers was , and , respectively. Average tr ophic state index of Sailimu Lake is , indicating a poor nutrient level. Major pollutants included pH, fluoride, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, BOD and 高锰酸盐指数. Nitrogen & phosphorus pollution an