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文档介绍:As we all know: The man was born in Suzhou, playing in Hangzhou, eating in Guangzhou and will stay in Liuzhou when dies. There was also an ancient adage from the foreigners: “ Living in France, walking in America, eating in Spain ”. The Spanish food is famous at home and abroad, not only for the Tapas but also for the Staple foods. 正如大家所知道的:“生在苏州, 玩在杭州, 吃在广州, 死在柳州”, 老外也有他们自己的古训:“住在法国,行在美国,吃在西班牙,”西班牙人美食是驰名中外的,无论是小吃, 还是主食。 Spanish have simple breakfast every day, such as bread, coffee, or juice in any bar that they find by the road and then go to work. 西班牙人每天的早餐都比较随意。他们在路边的任何一个小 bar 里面, 要一份面包加咖啡,或者一杯果汁。然后就投入到一天工作中去。 Spanish pay attention to the lunch every day, cause it is the most important dinner for them. It starts from 2:00PM to 4:00PM,as a result of the late breakfast. The streets or the bars will be very crowed at that time. Spanish seafood rice is famous all over the world. Actually, the scientific name of the rice is Paella Valenciana. Meanwhile, the most traditional Paella is not seafood rice, but chicken rice. However, currently Paella is mixed by all sorts of vegetable and meets in Iberian Peninsula, including the mussel, baby corn, mushroom, tomato, red pepper, garlic, olis and so on. The meat diet includes the fillet, crab meat, chicken and shrimp etc. The entire ingredient will be fried, braised and stewed for four hours together with the Europe long-rice. 西班牙人最重视午餐


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