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上传人:drp539604 2021/12/14 文件大小:39 KB




Be over anxious for quick results 急于求成
To try to run before one can walk. 好高骛远
To learn and review it from time to time 学而时****之
To follow the same pattern. 如出一辙
From an exchange of blows, friendship grows 不大不成交
With a murderous look on one’s face 杀气腾腾
One’s reputation was permanently damaged 名誉扫地
Don’t complain about other people if you are as bad as they are 责人先责己
Your future happiness is unlimited 后福无穷
To lead to endless trouble 后患无穷
There is no lack of qualified successors 后继有人
To give oneself up as hopeless 自暴自弃
To be very pleased with oneself 自鸣得意
To have nothing to be ashamed of 问心无愧
Hardship increase stature 吃得苦中苦方为人上人
To be cheated but unable to talk about it for one reason or another 吃哑巴亏
To do a hard but thankless job 吃力不讨好
To be open and straight forward 光明磊落
To look old and clumsy 老态龙钟
Even an expert sometimes makes a mistake 老马也有失蹄时
To talk aimlessly 动拉西扯
To accomplish both success and fame 功成名就
To be able to achieve success one way or another 左右逢源
All for one and one for all 人人为我我为人人
There’s strength in numbers 人多力量大
Agreement is difficult if there are too many people 人多嘴杂
To take care of every single thing personally 事必躬亲
To talk with ease and fluency ; to speak freely and frankly 侃侃而谈
The supply is unable to meet the demand; Supply fails to meet the demand. 供不应求
To agree wi