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文档介绍:skull and bones
Group 23
yale university
do you know what is it?
let's see some pictures of YALE University
The famous university—YALE University. Located in the New,with a history of over 300 years,YALE has ed the third school all over the world.
yale unversity
Today our theme is about Skull and Bones(骷髅会) in Yale University
So I'd like to show you about information of anization
skull and bones
membership program
famous person
Skull was established in 1832, the sponsors in addition to William Russell outside, still have Taft. And the brother of Russell had the world‘s largest opium(鸦片) business. Russell graduated from Yale in 1833,his advocate(主张) is the type of solidarity(团结), but returned to the United States, he found that the original is the right of all societies and his spirit are antipathetic(反感). More than disappointed, Russell convened(召集) the most promising(有前途的) students in the class, organized the most powerful anization in . history, the skull.
The symbol skull is a terrible skeleton (骷髅头) mark, the number 322 written above anization believes in the digital on a legend(传奇), it is said that after Speech God(雄辩神) died ,Speech Goddess(女神) also died at the same believed that Speech Goddess had returned to earth in 1832, so 322 became the code (代码) of anization.
Membership program
New members in the first time will go through plex tricky(复杂的) membership ceremony. In the skull meeting, a senior member of the “skull” will lead the new members into the mysterious room 322, which also called for internal temple(神殿). A group of older members dressed in a strange clothing standing around. Then a member of the older skull would dress a skeleton head ,sworded(用剑指) new members on their shoulder, and at the same time used the low voice : “You will accept


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