文档介绍:感觉记忆( SM )— sensory memory 短期记忆( STM )— short-term M. 长期记忆( LTM )— long-term memory 复诵—— rehearsal 预示(激发) —— priming 童年失忆症—— childhood amnesia 视觉编码(表征) —— visual code ( representation ) 听觉编码— acoustic code 运作记忆—— working memory 语意性知识— semantic knowledge 记忆扫瞄程序— memory scanning procedure 竭尽式扫瞄程序-exhaustive . 自我终止式扫瞄— self-terminated S. 程序性知识— procedural knowledge 命题(陈述)性知识—— propositional ( declarative ) knowledge 情节(轶事)性知识— episodic K. 讯息处理深度— depth of processing 精致化处理— elaboration 登录特殊性— coding specificity 记忆术— mnemonic 位置记忆法— method of loci 字钩法— peg word (线)探索(测)(激发)字— prime 关键词—— key word 命题思考—— propositional thought 心像思考—— imaginal thought 行动思考—— motoric thought 概念—— concept 原型—— prototype 属性—— property 特征—— feature 范例策略—— exemplar strategy 语言相对性(假说) — linguistic relativity th. 音素—— phoneme 词素—— morpheme (字词的)外延与内涵意义— denotative & connotative meaning (句子的)表层与深层结构— surface & deep structure 语意分析法—— semantic differential 全句语言— holophrastic speech 过度延伸—— over-extension 电报式语言— telegraphic speech 关键期—— critical period 差异减缩法—— difference reduction 方法目的分析—— means-ends analysis 倒推—— working backward 动机—— motive 自由意志—— free will 决定论—— determinism 本能—— instinct 种属特有行为—— species specific 驱力—— drive 诱因—— incentive 驱力减低说—— drive reduction th. 恒定状态(作用) — homeostasis 原级与次级动机— primary & secondary M. 功能独立— functional autonomy 下视丘侧部( LH )— lateral hypothalamus 脂肪细胞说—— fat-cell theory. 下视丘腹中部( VMH )— ventromedial H 定点论—— set point th. CCK ———胆囊调节激素第一性征—— primary sex characteristic 第二性征—— secondary sex characteristic 自我效能期望— self-efficiency expectancy 内在(发)动机— intrinsic motive 外在(衍)动机— extrinsic motive 成就需求—— N. achievement 需求层级— hierarchy of needs 自我实现—— self actualization 冲突—— conflict 多项仪—— polygraph 肤电反应—— GSR (认知)评估——( cognitive appraisal ) 脸部回馈假说—— facial feedback hypothesis (生理)激发—— arousal 挫折- 攻击假说—— frustration-aggression hy. 替代学习—— vicarious learning 短期记忆( STM )— short-term M. 长期记忆( LTM )— long-term memory 复诵—— rehearsal 预示(激发) —— priming 童年失忆症—— childhood amnesia 视觉编码(