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上传人:书犹药也 2021/12/16 文件大小:27 KB




你是张浩,一位办公室职工。有时感到乏味,很容易疲倦。你想加入一种俱乐部,变化一下这种状况,以便闲暇时间过更快活。写了一封信给俱乐部经理简介你嗜好和兴趣。 dear club manager:
i am writing to ask to join your club to enjoy my free time. i am a clerk. i often feel tense and become tired easily. perhaps,i need to relax myself a bit. i hope to become a member of your club. i have many hobbies and interests. for example,i like photography,calligraphy and painting,dancing and singing. and i like going fishing,collecting stamps and raising flowers. besides,i am good at playing chinese chess and cards. please write back and tell me if there are some formalities that i will have to go through. thank you very much in advance. looking forward to your reply.
yours, zhanghao
你是王萍,写一封信给jefferson先生。信件内容涉及: 1、一种月前,她邀请了你到她家过圣诞节。 2、你在她那里受到了热情款待。 3、信件末尾写上一句你以为必要话。
dear mr. jefferson:
i am writing to thank you for your kindness and hospitality i enjoyed during my stay in your place.
it is very kind of you to invite me to spend my christmas holiday in your place last month. the room you arranged for me in your house was quiet,clean and comfortable. the food was very delicious. and visits to
local scenic spots were really wonderful. they have not only broadened my horizon,but also eiched my experience. by the way,if it is convenient for you,please come over and spend your spring festival this year in my place.
thank you very much again.
你朋友glad要从另一种都市来看你。你将到机场去接她。但出于某种因素,你不能去了,写封信给她,解释因素,并告诉她如何到你家。 dear glad,
yours, wang ping
i am writing to say that i will not be able to meet you at the airport next monday morning.
this morning my boss asked me to go to shanghai on business tomorrow. it is something very important for our company and i will have to go. by the way,i will be back within 10 days. when you arrive,please take bus and get off at the east bus station. the station is not far from my house and you will find my house easily. my mother is always at hom


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