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新 SAT 官方指南阅读第十二篇全解析
This passage is adapted from Taras Grescoe, Straphanger: Saving Our Cities and Ourselves
from the Automobile. ©2012 by Taras Grescoe.
Though there are 600 million cars on the planet, and counting, there are also seven billion
people, which means that for the vast majority of us getting around involves taking buses,
ferryboats, commuter trains, streetcars, and subways. In other words, traveling to work, school, or
the market means being a straphanger: somebody who, by choice or necessity, relies on public
5 transport, rather than a privately owned automobile.
Half the population of New York, Toronto, and London do not own cars. Public transport is
how most of the people of Asia and Africa, the world’s most populous continents, travel. Every
day, subway systems carry 155 million passengers, thirty-four times the number carried by all the
world’s airplanes, and the global public transport market is now valued at $428 billion annually. A
10 century and a half after the invention of the internal combustion engine, private car ownership is
still an anomaly.
And yet public transportation, in many minds, is


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