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文档介绍:Acknowledgements I am deeply indebted to Jiang Zhaozi, my supervisor, who not only has given me constant and valuable advice during my writing of this thesis, but also has gone over my drafts meticulously and offered ments on them. Without his help, the thesis could never have reached its present form. My sincere gratitude also goes to my teachers who have given me lectures and help, which are indispensable to pletion of this thesis. I give my hearty thanks to my classmates who have offered help and suggestions in the process of writing this thesis. Finally, I would like to thank those critics and writers whose essays and works have provided valuable information concerning the subject of my thesis. 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 ii Abstract Proverb isa traditional product of cultures in different countries, which can create unexpected effect munication. With the rapid development of linguistic study, increasingly numbers of scholars begin to focus on the special field such as animal in order to get better research on human language. Dog, one of the most favorite animals all over the world is the intimate pet or friend of human beings and produces unique culture especially on proverbs. But proverbs about dogs from different countries usually convey various information and connotation. Therefore, t his thesis is trying to make parative study of English and Chinese proverbs about dogs including the different meanings of the proverbs, some similarities and differences between the two kinds of proverbs and the reasons . From my study I find that the difference isnot so much. Chinese proverbs containing dogs lay stress on the loyalty to his host. But English proverbs containing dogs emphasize on the friendship. The author thinks that Chinese proverbs containing dogs lay stress on the loyalty to their host because of the inequality status of Chinese society . English proverbs containing dogs regard dogs as friends because they emphasize on the concept of equality and democracy . Key word


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