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文档介绍:f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degre


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