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文档介绍:题目: 中式快餐发展策略分析——以保定“老驴头”为例院系: 文学与传媒学院专业: 广告学班级: 2007 级2班姓名: 户卫邦学号: 200701020052 指导教师: 辛志英 2011 年5月 05日毕业设计(论文) I 中式快餐发展策略——以保定“老驴头”为例【摘要】中华美食博大精深,源远流长,近年来中华美食在世界各地都非常流行, 而且获得了世界的认可和美赞。但是中式快餐的发展却一直举步维艰,造成这种状况的原因,一方面是中式快餐自身缺乏一些整体策略,尤其缺乏品牌意识与广告的传播意识。另一方面,肯德基、麦当劳等国际快餐巨头在我国的登陆和迅猛发展, 极大的阻碍了中式快餐的发展,使我国中式快餐生存环境更为局促。可喜的是以保定“老驴头”为代表的几家中式快餐店,成为中式快餐发展中的劲旅。目前关于中式快餐的研究主要是在国内领域,而且对其研究没有形成完整的理论体系,只是基于某些方面的研究,例如对产品、服务、标准化生产等方面的研究, 这些研究都在某些方面促进了中国快餐业的发展,但要形成一个完整的理论体系还有很长的路要走。本文主要以保定“老驴头”为例,分析其经营状况和经营策略,以及利用案例分析和对比的方法,分析中式快餐发展的现状以及外国快餐在中国的发展情况,通过对二者的比较找出中式快餐的优势与劣势,找出外国快餐值得借鉴的地方。从而为中式快餐的发展,提出一些可行性的建议与策略。【关键词】中式快餐发展策略品牌策略“老驴头”查询中心硕士研究生考场姓名: 户卫邦考生编号 100331020320205 考点: 河北师大附中考点地址: 中山东路 315 号考场: 023 座次: 21 II “ The small stature ” has “ the big wisdom ”—— to discuss the livelihood of the people news two times to leap 【 Abstract 】 The livelihood of the people news was our country in recent years a prosperous national headlines type, each kind of media took it in the petition attracts day by day reader's important means that and has made the very good progress. Strictly speaking, the livelihood of the people news is pays attention to mon people basic necessities of life the news, is reflects mon people laughter, anger, sorrow and happiness the news. The news basic function is the convey information, the monitor social environment, sends out the early warning signal promptly, guides the people to make use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions. The livelihood of the people news expression public opinion, is the public mind exchange platform. As the sociological significance in“ the safety valve ”, it collects the popular feelings and through the feedback mechanism, realizes the opinions and requirements of the masses made known to the upper levels or informs subordinates about policies, regarding the dispel prejudice and the misunderstanding, the melt contradiction, maintains the society stably to have the indispensable influential role harmoniously. Therefore, detected tha