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文档介绍:黄岩区院桥镇中心小学马春梅 1 六年级英语第七册第四单元测试题(考试时间: 40分钟满分: 100 分) 一、听力部分( 30% ) 1. Listen and circle( 听录音二次,圈出你听到的字母组合)( 5% ) 1) A. AC B. BD 2)A. ce ) A. TK B. GP 4) A. mn ) A. jgq B. gjp 2. Listen and circle( 听录音二次,圈出与你所听内容相符的图片)( 5% ) ③④⑤ ABABAB 3. Listen and choose.( 听录音二次,选出你所听到的信息,把字母编号写在括号里)(10%) ( )1)A. USA B. PRC C. UK ( )2)A. cat B. kite C. sky ( )3)A. math B. English C. Chinese ( )4)A. goes to bed B. goes to work C. goes home ( )5) A. tree B. green C. three 4. Listen and choose.( 听句子二次,然后选择正确的答句)(10% ) ( )1)A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, I am. ( )2)A. Thank you! B. Great. ( )3)A. I like collecting stamps can collect stamps. ①② AABB 黄岩区院桥镇中心小学马春梅 2 ( )4)A. No, she isn ’t. B. No, she doesn ’ t. ( )5)A. Fine, thanks! B. Thank you! 二、笔试部分( 70% ) 1. Look and write the big letters( 请用大写字母规范书写)(5% ) ahfjz 2. Put the letters in order( 把下列字母按正确的顺序排列)( 5% ) BAC pno WUV dec TSR 3. Circle and write( 根据汉语圈出正确的单词,并写在四线格里)(10% ) 鸭子 gobduckam 爱好 hobbyagd 苹果 nubapplesta 五 apjufivea 自行车 adyhbike 4. Look and choose( 看图选择正确的单词或词组)( 5% ) 1)( )A. watches TV B. reads newspaper. 2)( )A. teaches English B. teaches math 3)( )A. goes to work by bike B. goes to work by subway. 4)( )A. swimming B. diving 5)( )A. making kites B. collecting stamps ﹙1﹚﹙2﹚﹙3﹚﹙4﹚﹙5﹚黄岩区院桥镇中心小学马春梅 3 5. Read and choose( 读下面的句子选择正确的图画)(10% ) 6. Read and choose( 读一读,选择合适的选项)(15% ) ( )1). 在电话里介绍自己说: ’m John B. This is John. (