GRE 笔试一共分为四个 section, 其中两个是语文,两个是数学,数学局部每个 section 共30道题,相当简单,能够直接忽略。语文局部每个 section 共38道题,填空 7道,即使观察考生对句子中要点词的理解,从句子中给出的信息来推断
出句子缺失局部要填的词。 阅读 11题,一篇长阅读,一篇短阅读。 11道反义词 ,这个没什么好说的,就是找反义词。 9道类比题 ,类比就是依照题干所给的两个单词之间的关系在 5个选项中选出与题干关系相同的一组词。 要点是阅读很难, 很伤脑细胞。每个 section 规准时间是半小时,原那么上不赞成跨区做题。
Section 1 填空
1. Although she gives badly _______ titles to her musical compositions, they
_______ unusual combinations of materials including Gregorian chant, Asian
scale patterns and rhythms, electronic sounds, and bird songs.
A. exotic , belie B. eccentric , deploy C. traditional , exclude
D. imaginative , disguise E. conventional , incorporate
2. Even though the folktales Perroult collected and retold were not solely
French in origin, his versions of them were so decidedly French in style that
later anthologizes of French folktales have never _______ them.
A. excluded B. admired C. collected
D. promoted E. comprehended
In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent, her book does not ridicule all predictions of doom but rather claims that
the risks of harm have in many cases been _________.
A. exaggerated B. ignored C. scrutinized D. derided E. increased
4. There seems to be no ________ the reading public ’s thirst for books about
the 1960’s: indeed, the normal level
of interest has ______ recently
be cause
of a spate of popular television documentaries.
A. quenching , moderated B. whetting
, mushroomedC. curtailing
, warned
D. ignoring , transformed E. slaking , increased
5.Despite a tendency to be overtly _______, the poetry of the Middle Ages
often sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment, as well as pious sentiments.
- 1 -
A. diverting B. emotional C. didactic D. romantic E. whimsical
6. One of the first