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Blank Filling
1. A person, ___________ (like) a machine, is not replaceable.
Correct answer: unlike
2. They live in a good ___________ (residence) district.
Correct answer: residential
3. The child made a very ___________ (intelligence) comment.
Correct answer: intelligent
4. The play is a ___________ (drama) representation of a real event.
Correct answer: dramatic
5. Although I am a member of the club, I ___________ (bare) go there.
Correct answer: barely
6. He is ___________ (like) e to see you tonight.
Correct answer: likely
7. The child made a very ___________ (intelligence) comment.
Correct answer: intelligent
8. I like ___________ (detect) stories very much.
Correct answer: detective
9. The book is ___________ (admire) in respect of style.
Correct answer: admirable
10. The ___________ (intelligent) department of a government collects and studies information that will help its army and navy.
Correct answer: intelligence
11. His collection of paintings is most ___________ (impress).
Correct answer: impressive
12. Many problems, however, escape ___________ (detect).
Correct answer: detection
13. The plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of ___________ (adequate) preparation.
Correct answer: inadequate
14. We can ___________ (sure) e these difficulties as long as we are closely united.
Correct answer: surely
15. I regret my ___________ (ignore) on the subject.
Correct answer: ignorance
Banked Cloze 1
Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.
A. prime 
B. contestant 
C. performances 
D. artists 
E. selected 
F. offended 
G. audience 
H. announced 
I. popular 
J. constant 
K. deals 
L. seeks 
M. athletes 
N. celebrity 
O. around 
American Idol is a petition to find new solo musical talent, created by Simon Fuller. It debuted


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