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上传人:kuayu4816 2016/8/2 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:Disney World Disney World Have you met Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse? If you have , you ’ ve probably been to Disneyland or Disney World. 1、 Do you know how many Disneyland Parks are there in the world? 2 、 Where are they? Tokyo Disneyland California Disneyland Hong Kong Disneyland Disneyland Paris * Orlando Disney World Disney World in the world California Disneyland —— The first one In Los Angeles, California Disneyland, is the first one in the world . I n 1964, people had built the orlando disneyland , it was called disney world . Orlando Disney World —— The biggest one Tokyo Disneyland —— the most popular one As Asia ’ s first amusement park in Tokyo , it had been built in accordance with the USA ’s one. Disneyland in Paris —— The most expensive one The first Disney park in europe,which is the most expensive one. Hongkong disneyland is the fifth in global and it ’ s the most “ mini ” one. HongKong Disneyland —— The least one


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