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文档介绍:内容提要明代是中日关系史上的重要时期。这时,中日关系的风云变幻,对中日两国的历史进程,乃至东亚和当时的世界格局都产生过深远的影响。本文在前人研究的基础之上,选取16世纪这一特定时期的中日关系史,再作深入探索。希望进一步揭示有明一代中日关系史的基本特征和影响中日关系发展的某些历史规律及经验教训。文章主要内容如下: 第一部分论述朱元璋睦邻外交政策的制定和洪武年间的中Et关系,分析明朝对日外交基本格调的形成。第二部分论述16世纪的中日朝贡贸易,分析明朝国力的衰退和朝贡贸易自身的混乱等因素是中日朝贡贸易结束的原因。第三部分论述16世纪的倭寇问题,并分析倭寇泛滥的原因及其对中日关系的影响。第四部分论述万历年间的抗倭援朝战争,并探析战争的原因、影响和明政府在战争中暴露的问题。第五部分论述16世纪的中日民间贸易,探索当时中日民间贸易兴起和发展的内在动力,及其对中日两国经济、文化发展的巨大影响。 Abstract Inrelationhistory between China andJapan theMing Dynasty was an important such period theprotean relationbetween China andJapan make deep difference on thehistory progressbetween China and Japan,even upon thatofEast Asia andtotal world’Ssituation. Based on precedent interrelated researches,the history relation between China andJapan in16thcentury hasbeen concentrated forsome lucubration inthispaper, hoping toopen out some basic characteristics about such special relation history period and tosummarize itsexperience and some history ruleswhich had effected theprogress ofhistory relationbetween China paper’S main contents follow Inthefirstpart therelationbetween China andJapan during Hongwu period and thediplomatic policy establishment ofbefriending neighbor country ofJapan by Zhu Yuanzhang have been discussed,and thebasicpattern forming offoreignpolicy belonged totheMing dynasty has alsobeenanalyzed. In thesecondpart thepay tributetradebetween China and Japan in16thcentury hasbeen discussed for the Causes on why thepay tributetradebetween China and Japan inMing dynasty had been ended up such as national power decaying and confusion ofpay tributetradeitself. The thirdpart has treated questions about oldJapanese bandits,andanalyzed reasons forold Japanese bandits’flooding and itseffectsupon thehistory relation between China andJapan inMingdynasty. Inthefourthpart theproblems offightingbandits and aiding Korea war during Wanli period have been focused on,reaching toitsCauses and effects,and the problems thatMing dynasty showed itselfduring the wa