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上传人:jiqingyong12 2016/8/3 文件大小:60 KB




文档介绍:1 /26 --------------------------------------------- 感谢观看本文------- 谢谢----------------------------------------------------------- [ 标签: 标题]2016 外企面试问题及答案外企面试问题及答案外企面试问题及答案| 2015-11-01 18:39[ 转载]343- 外企面试问题及答案#e# 1. so, tell me a little aboutyourself. i’dbe very surprised if you haven ’t been asked this one at everyinterview. it’s probably the most asked question because it setsthe stage for the interview and it gets you talking. be careful notto give the interviewer your life story here. you don ’t need toexplain everything from birth to present day. relevant facts abouteducation, your career and your current life situation arefine. 2. why are you looking (or why didyou leave you last job)? this should bea straightforward question to answer, but it cantrip you up. presumably you are looking for a new job (or any job)because you want to advance your career and get a position thatallows you to grow asa person and an employee. it’snot a goodidea to mention money here, it can make you sound mercenary. and ifyou are in the unfortunate situation of having been downsized, staypositive and be as brief as possible about it. if you were fired,you ’ ll need agood explanation. but once 2 /26 --------------------------------------------- 感谢观看本文------- 谢谢----------------------------------------------------------- [ 标签: 标题]2016 again, stay positive. 3. tell me what you know about pany. do your homework before you go to any interview. whether it’s beingthe vpof marketing or the mailroom clerk, you should know pany or business you ’ re going to work for. has panybeen in the news lately? who are the people in pany youshould know about? do the background work, it will make you standout as someone es prepared, and is genuinely interested pany and the job. 4. why do you want to work at xcompany? this should be directly related to the last question. any researchyou ’vedone on pany should have led you to the conclusionthat you ’d want to work there. after all, you ’ re at the interview,righ


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